This 2nd line for USA and Canada is an Android App which provides Advanced business phone service features such IVR aka Interactive Voice Response or Virtual Receptionist, Voicemail. This works on WiFi as well as your existing cellular data.
Get Second Phone Number for your business without buying new new phone.
Draw a line between your personal and professional life without missing any business lead.
Choose Local phone number in your preferred area code.
Unlimited Incoming Calls on your local USA phone number.
Receive Unlimited incoming calls from 35 countries.
Auto Attendant aka IVR
Listen Voicemail within 2ndline App
2nd line premium allow Unlimited Calls To USA
Global Presence ( 35 countries)
Low Battery consumption
This App provides USA phone numbers and calling to United States and Canada only in our premium plan.
You can receive calls from 35 countries using 9DiGiTs Virtual ID.
Apart from above business features, it also has provide users global presence
How Global Presence Works
You’ve got clients all over the globe and staying in contact with them is paramount to your business. But when clients need to call you, are they willing to pay huge charges to call an international number? One solution is to buy a phone number in every country, but that would be impossible to manage and enormously expensive.
Don’t miss out on potential sales or customer retention any longer. It’s time for a simple and free service to keep you connected with your customers.
9Digits is very easy to use. Simply download and signup on the 9Digits app and create an account. You can upload a greeting, edits profile information and set whether to receive incoming calls or let it go to voicemail. There is also your 9 Digits ID, a virtual number unique to your profile. This number enables you to be contacted from anywhere and can be posted as your contact number on Websites, Blogs, social media or wherever you like.
To contact you or your business, a client will call our phone number from their own country. Then when prompted, they will input your 9Digits ID. Your greeting is heard and either you or after 60 seconds, the voicemail will pick up. It’s as easy as that.
UK clients can dial our UK phone number, same for Australia, France and all 35 countries where we leave local phone numbers.
Now, no matter whether your client is calling from the UK, Australia or the US, they can reliably get a hold of you, without ever needing to pass for international call fees! You can even make Free outgoing calls as well.
Your Second phone number will be used as callerid when you make local or international calls.
Download the 9Digits App now and enjoy the benefits of a free international number!